
Cisco NCS 2000 Deploying 96-Channel Flex Spectrum (OPT201) v3.0

Level: Duration: 24 ore Certification: OPT201 Sign Up Back to list of courses Specializations

Course Description

The Cisco NCS2000 Deploying 96-Channel Flex Spectrum (OPT201) v3.0 course shows you how to plan, configure, and control optical networks using the Cisco® Network Convergence System (NCS) 2000 series Flex Spectrum platform.

The course teaches you how to design Flex Spectrum networks with multi-degree Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer (ROADM) multi-shelf nodes using the Cisco Transport Planner (CTP) software.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Install the Cisco NCS 2000 series hardware
  • Configure an optical network and circuits using the Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) software
  • Learn which components and configurations take advantage of and/or are required for the Flex Spectrum 96-channel feature
  • Configure optical networks with multidegree ROADM multishelf nodes
  • Configure optical networks with colorless, contentionless, omnidirectional, and MPO cross-connect advanced features
  • Describe and configure the NCS 2000 400-Gbps Xponder line card

Course Objectives

Upon completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the hardware and components required and used with the Flex Spectrum feature
  • Design optical networks in the Cisco Transport Planner software
  • Install the hardware, including multishelf nodes
  • Perform node turn-up and create circuits using the Cisco Transport Controller software
  • Configure optical networks with multidegree ROADM multishelf nodes
  • Configure optical networks with colorless, contentionless, omnidirectional, and MPO cross-connect advanced features
  • Describe and configure the NCS 2000 400-Gbps Xponder line card
  • Add a node to an existing DWDM ring
  • Describe the NCS 2000 Troubleshooting Guide
  • Use the features and documentation with Transport Controller to perform maintenance, testing, and basic troubleshooting

Program of Study

  • DWDM and Flex Spectrum Foundation
  • NCS 2000 Chassis and Cards
  • Design ROADM Networks with CTP
  • Hardware Installation and Multishelf
  • Node Turn-Up and Circuit Creation
  • Advanced Feature Networks and Circuits
  • Testing, Maintenance, and Basic Troubleshooting
  • Spectrum Switched Optical Network


OPT201 01/27/25 01/29/25 Concluded  
OPT201 04/28/25 04/30/25 Open Admissions 
OPT201 06/23/25 06/25/25 Open Admissions 
OPT201 07/28/25 07/30/25 Open Admissions 

Course Conditions and Fees

Fees: € 3000,00

Our prices are in Euros and don’t include VAT/tax.

Fees include:  Live instructors Led lessons, course material ( Cisco official CLP Kits) and CLP Certificate of course completion. 

Transport, accommodation, meals and other supplementary expenses are not included in the training fees.

​The admissions will be confirmed by email.

The knowledge and skills that a learner must have before attending this course are as follows: 

  • To fully benefit from this course, you should first complete the Cisco Fundamentals of Fiber Optics Technology (FFOT) video training course, or have an equivalent level of knowledge and skills. 

Continuing Education Credits

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