Cloud Consumer Security (SECICC) v1.0

Introducing Cisco Cloud Consumer Security (SECICC) v1.0

Cloud Consumer Security (SECICC) v1.0
Level: Duration: 8 ore Certification: SECICC v1.0 Sign Up Back to list of courses Specializations

Course Description

The Introducing Cisco Cloud Consumer Security (SECICC) v1.0 course gives you a technical overview of basic concepts and components of the cloud, and the Cisco® solutions used to provide comprehensive security of your cloud-based environment. In this primarily lecture-based course, you’ll learn the basics from a cloud consumer perspective including securing cloud and Software as a Service (SaaS) application environments. This introductory course provides insights on using Cisco Stealthwatch™ Cloud, Cisco CloudLock, Cisco Umbrella™ and more to protect the user when using cloud-based applications.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you should have obtained four major areas of competency:

  • Monitor security events
  • Configure and tune security event detection and alarming
  • Analyze traffic for security threats
  • Respond appropriately to security incidents
Access to simulated laboratories that allow you to put into practice and experiment the solutions learned in the classroom.
The main technologies of interest are:

Explore Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud - Explore Stealthwatch Cloud Alerts Settings, Watchlists, and Sensors - Explore Cisco Security Solutions in AWS Marketplace - Explore the Cisco CloudLock Dashboard and User Security - Explore Cisco CloudLock Application and Data Security - Explore Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) Endpoints - Explore the Cisco Umbrella Roaming Client

Program of Study

Introducing the Cloud

  • Describe the Evolution of Cloud Computing
  • Explain Cloud Service Models
  • Explore Cloud Deployment Models

Introducing Securing the Cloud

  • Describe the Cisco Threat-Centric Approach to Network Security
  • Describe Cloud Physical Environment Security
  • Describe Cloud Network Infrastructure Security
  • Explain Application Security
  • Explore Cloud Management and API Security
  • Describe Cisco Cloud-Based Security Solutions
  • Describe Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), Virtual Network Function (VNF), and Secure Agile Exchange (SAE)
  • Describe Cisco CloudCenter for MultiCloud Management
  • Describe Cisco Stealthwatch

Describing Cloud Security Solutions Using AWS

  • Identify AWS Security Offerings
  • Identify Cisco Security Solutions in AWS

Introducing Security in an SaaS Environment

  • Describe SaaS Applications
  • Describe SaaS Security Challenges
  • Explain Cloud Access Security Broker
  • Describe Cisco CloudLock
  • Describe OAuth and OAuth Attacks
  • Describe Cisco Advanced Malware Protection for Endpoints
  • Describe Cisco Cloud Email Security
  • Describe Cisco Umbrella


Course Beginning- End  HOURS Fees Note 
SECICC 12/13/2024  Friday 9.00-18.00 €400+VAT Concluso 

Course Conditions and Fees

FEES: € 400,00 + VAT



  • Basic computer literacy
  • Basic PC operating system navigation skills
  • Basic Internet usage skills
  • Basic IP address knowledge

Continuing Education Credits

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