Stefano " valida occasione per condividere le proprie conoscenze " - CCIE


Hello everybody,

My name is Stefano and I’m 29 years old. I’ve always lived in the city of Milan.
My work experience, started 3 years ago, was gained in Milan’s area. Even though nowadays it is not so easy to find a job that matches one’s profile, of all Italian cities Milan is the one that offers more job opportunities.
These opportunities may be related to the networking area, an area that I‘ve begun to get seriously interested in about a year and a half ago.
My education from the beginning was in the scientific area, so at college I got a degree in telecommunications engineering, and then I had the opportunity to work in a renowned multinational company. It was a positive experience but did not provide a chance of working with networking.
All my studies in telecommunications were aimed at taking me to work in the networking area, which has always been my main interest.
However I’ve always believed in the value of education and I’ve also always dedicated great part of my energy to it. After getting my bachelor degree I didn’t have a theoretical background strong enough to work in the networking field with self-confidence. For this reason I’ve been surfing the web for information about training centers specialized in my area of interest. And then I found Europa Networking and the decision to enrol on the CCNA course was immediate.

The Academy’s support, as well as its training, have always been excellent. From the basic courses, such as the CCNA, each concept is handled with a great precision and depth. The decision to go on studying CCNP by that point was obvious. I hadn’t even finished the last module and there were already job opportunities, one of which I accepted. Job opportunities are offered through the Academy’s “Career Connection”, a service that connects the students with the networking companies.
That is how I had the chance to work as a consultant in a well-known service provider. It is in the networking area so I will finally work with complex networking structure. The skills I learned at Europa Networking proved to be absolutely necessary for properly and professionally handling the various on-the-job situations. >Already on my first task, I had to deal with typical problems of intranet rather than Internet. Reaching such a turning point would probably have been more difficult without the theoretical basis and the experience with actual devices gained during the Academy courses. I also recognize the moral and administrative support provided by the staff.
In my point of view, the academy is not just a center for certification training, but also a meeting center for exchanging ideas, opinions, culture. I’ve been in touch with most of my classmates and there are occasions when we meet in different headquarters for discussing about new technologies or even get curricula updates.
I’m happy to continue to participate in the activities of the Academy by becoming an instructor. I am attending the CCNA instructor’s course, an opportunity to enjoy the pleasure of sharing my own knowledge and adding my tiny contribution to the instruction of qualified and wholehearted new technicians. Stefano

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