Flavio:Solo lezione dopo lezione ho compreso finalmente il significato del termine Networking - CCNP

Flavio:Solo lezione dopo lezione ho compreso finalmente il significato del termine Networking

My name is Flavio Silvestrone, and I am 29 years old. In the past I worked in the IT sector for about 7 years, first as a mere operator, and then as a specialized technician. As a worker I was always giving my best, spending days in courses, taking lab tests and reading technical manuals. I was fascinated by Cisco Systems and Networking but I couldn’t really understand how important they were in the technology world.

In May 2005 I found on the web that a Regional Academy, Europa Networking, was established in my town. I met the teacher, Michele Querci, who showed me the CCNA curriculum and the Academy’s labs. I decided to enrol immediately.

A piece of cake - I thought - with the experience I had in the field. But it wasn’t like that at all! All my know-how suddenly seemed small for me; at each class I learned something new, and lesson after lesson I finally understood the meaning of the word “Networking”.

We had difficult moments, and good ones; students were so united and open minded that we knew that everything would be fine. I’m a lucky guy; I’ve never had trouble at work. Now I work at an important company in Bergamo.

My greatest satisfaction: after the completion of the CCNA, Firewall Specialist SNRS and SNPA, and CCNP courses, Cisco Systems awarded me for being one of the youngest Network Engineers.

The experience I gained is very important now in order to attend the Europa Networking’s CCIE RS courses; the next step will be the CCIE RS Lab.

I’d like now to thank Europa Networking for its reliability and professional competence.

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